Monday, March 24, 2008

Sad Today

Today I am feeling sad because of Logan and the unknown.  I know in my heart he will be okay. But, today is not easy.  So many thoughts and feelings going on with me.  But, what I find amazing today is that I have received an email from a great friend with lots of love and support.  And then I thought of two other friends and then they called and they were a great comfort.  Also, I am not good with waiting for answers and that is what I am having to do waiting for the doctors to call and schedule an appointment.  I think as parents we all want nothing to be wrong with our children, we don't want them to be different or have any hard times.  But, I know that I am not in charge of this and I know he will be stronger because of it.  I love this guys so much it hurts.  I keep asking him if he doing okay, if anything hurts and how he is feeling.  I am sure I am driving him crazy and myself.  But, as I am writing this Logan is with his buddies, he couldn't do his homework fast enough because he had to get out the door.  He is very normal and crazy.  I love having this blog so I am able to write all these feelings.  

1 comment:

Ed said...

He will be ok and we are all here on days when things don't feel that way...