Thursday, April 3, 2008


This morning I received a call from Rachel (Meghan's friend) to ask me if Mike (this guy who likes Meghan) can come over tonight to decorate room to ask her to prom.   I said that would be fine but her room is a mess.  About 9:00 p.m. they showed up to decorate so Tim and I were finally able to meet him.  He is very polite and nice.  Mike and Rachel blew up lots of balloons and put streamers all around her room.  Then they were going over to her work to decorate her car.  
Meghan had a hard day at school today someone broke her mirror on her car.  Needless to say she was not thrilled and didn't have any money to fix it.  Her dad took the car and fixed the mirror and cleaned it all up for her.  I am sure that made her feel better.  I never understand why people want to damage other people things. 
I don't know what her answer is yet she is still at work.  I am sure she will say YES and be very excited about going.  We will see.

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