Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gracie and Pink Eye

A few weeks ago the kids and I were heading out of town to Sedona for a few days and Gracie's eye started to get a little funny looking.  I thought maybe pink eye so I started giving her some over the counter eyedrops.  As you can see they did not work so well.  By the time we got back a few days later this is what we had.  It does look pretty bad.  Once I got the "real stuff" her eye got better pretty quick.  But, in the mean time her eye was very swollen and as always she is a trooper.  Live and Learn always.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No More Meds

Update on Logan -  He had another seizure the first part of May so the doctor increased his medecine.  Then he had a EEG done in June and the results were normal.  Which takes forever for this information to get to us.  After a few weeks the Dr. tells us he feels that it is time to take Logan off his medication.  His doseage is pretty low and it has been about 8 - 9 weeks since his last seizure.  It has been 2 1/2 days since his last dose and fine and just as normal as ever.  
We say our prayers each day and ask for love and support.  We know in our hearts Logan is going to be okay even if he has another seizure.